Case Management

Autism Services Center (ASC) provides case management for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) who reside in Cabell, Wayne, Lincoln, Mason, Kanawha and Putnam counties in West Virginia.
Case Management
Autism Services Center (ASC) provides case management for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) who reside in Cabell, Wayne, Lincoln, Mason, Kanawha and Putnam counties in West Virginia.
Case Managers establish a potentially lifelong process for accessing a wide range of client-specific services to maximize an individual’s independence and assist them with integrating into the community.
The case manager helps an individual with an intellectual and/or developmental disability make meaningful choices and works to ensure quality, accessibility, accountability and continuity of all support services. The case manager also makes routine home visits and schedules team meetings to review any needs that may have arisen to ensure that all programs are current and functional. These services are generally provided through the West Virginia I/DD Waiver Program. Individuals who do not qualify for those funds may qualify for assistance through alternate state funding sources.
Applying for services from the I/DD Waiver program
The West Virginia I/DD Waiver program provides instruction, training, support and assistance for eligible children and adults. To apply for the West Virginia I/DD Waiver program, click here.
After you complete and submit this form, you will receive a packet from KEPRO. This packet will include a list of psychologists that are approved to complete the medical eligibility evaluation. The psychologist you select will evaluate you to see if you qualify for the West Virginia I/DD Waiver program. You must choose a psychologist from this list and return your selection to the address on the bottom of the form within 10 days of receiving it or your application will be closed.
If you have any questions to complete this application process, you can call the Director of Case Management at Autism Services Center, 304-525-8014, ext. 252